What is Comexdeal?
Comexdeal.com is an online B2B Community Platform to help businesses connect Globally. We provide the technology and database infrastructure to connect Importers, Exporters and Logistic companies.
Is there a cost to use Comexdeal services?
The Comexdeal platform is free until July 30, 2023 as part of our Welcome campaign, customers registered until that month will be exempt from any subscription cost. After that date users who want to respond to the quotes requested on our platform should choose a credit plan only to respond to the quotes if it's in your interest, because the access to the website will always be free.
Do I need to pay any commission to Comexdeal on purchases and sales?
Comexdeal does not mediate negotiations. Buyers and suppliers can make the entire transaction in any way they see fit and neither of them will have to pay anything to Comexdeal if the negotiation is completed.
I forgot my Comexdeal password, how do I get it back?
To receive your password click on the link login and strait after in I forgot my password.
I do not receive emails sent by Comexdeal.
Please check your spam folder to ensure it hasn't been barred by your email provider. Set up your email service to release all messages sent by the @comexdeal.com and mark as safe.
How do I advertise my company at Comexdeal?
After registering your company on our platform your logo automatically goes to our home page where it can be viewed by our customers in different parts of the world.
At the time of registration in which category should I include my company?
Your company should be listed in the categories related to your business. It works like adverts, you should include your ad in the categories where potential partners may look for you.
At the time of registration what I write in the description?
Highlight what your company does, its speciality, capabilities, how long you are in the market, geographical location and area of operation. Keep it short and concise and consider including what differentiates you from its competitors.
After finishing the ad registration will my business be automatically listed on Comexdeal?
Yes. Your registration also undergoes a frequent review of the Comexdeal team that may adapt it to our editorial standards and the terms and conditions.
Is it possible to create more than one registration in Comexdeal?
Each company can have only one email registered with Comexdeal, if you have more than one email one of them can be removed.
Where does my company appear on the Comexdeal platform?
Your company will be listed in the selected categories, along with the other companies. When you click on your business name, you'll see a screen with only your information, including additional ads.
How do I update my ad data?
After logging in to the Comexdeal website, go to the top right of the site to access your account. You can change the description, categories and photos of your products.
How companies submit a budget request.
Companies can request a quote for their company by accessing our Home page and filling out a Budget Request in one of the three options presented where the budget is sent to all companies in the selected categories.
Or through your company page by clicking on the button: “send quote request”.
How do I answer a quote I received through Comexdeal?
Log in to the site, go to your account and access the received messages page. You also have the option of accessing the page "Make a deal" and choose a category and respond to the requests you want. It will automatically be sent to the recipient.
Can I respond to the opportunity I received through my email?
Yes, click on the link of the quotation that was forwarded to your email, log in to the Comexdeal website and answer the quote.
How to acquire credits to answer the opportunities?
Comexdeal's launch company offers free access for all users for a limited period so that you can use our services. To recharge your credits, go to your profile and click reload. After the free period is over you will be able to choose from several credit plans to use the platform.
How can I talk with supplies / buyers from other countries?
On your "My Page"you can send direct messages to any company in any Country. With the use of the Comexdeal translator, all messages can be translated for a better understanding of the negotiation.
How do I request a quote?
Requesting a quote to Comexdeal is quite simple, just access our home page and escort one of three options: Provider; Trade; Logistics typing what you are looking for, at your request it will be forwarded to national and international companies according to the category that you choose.
If you do not locate what you are looking for, you will be able to navigate to find the most suitable category for your quote request.
How do I find companies that advertise on Comexdeal?
To locate service providers you need to register on the website to go to the Search Comexdeal menu and select through the filters the type of company and which country you want to access.
Launched in 2023 Comexdeal is a global business community that connect Buyers, Sellers, Traders and Shipping Companies in the same platform by providing tools to facilitate them to Deal.
Comexdeal is registered in Ireland under the company registration number: 715125
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